Official Notice Of Proposed Amendments To The Band Booster Bylaws

The proposed amendments to the Band Booster bylaws are up for consideration and vote by the Band Booster membership for adoption at a co-purpose meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2014 at 6:00pm.

Amendment I: Proposed to Article II: Purpose. A proposal to add the words “School Administration,” to the first  bullet point and strike the words “of parents” from the third bullet point under the purposes of the Band Boosters. This amendment is proposed to removed limitation of membership to only parents of current students, in concert with subsequent amendments to extend opportunity for membership to band alumni and parents of band alumni.

(Current Language)


The purpose of the Band Boosters shall be:

  • To provide, in concert with the Board of Education and Band Directors, the foundation for which the band program at Carrollton High School maintains its prominence

  • To provide inspiration, guidance and assistance to all band students and staff in order to develop and sustain high performing band programs at Carrollton High School

  • To build and maintain an organization of parents which will assist with the general activities of the high school band programs

  • To foster closer ties among the parents of younger Carrollton Band students, thereby strengthening the entire band program

(Proposed Language)


The purpose of the Band Boosters shall be:

  • To provide, in concert with the Board of Education, School Administration, and Band Directors, the foundation for which the band program at Carrollton High School maintains its prominence

  • To provide inspiration, guidance and assistance to all band students and staff in order to develop and sustain high performing band programs at Carrollton High School

  • To build and maintain an organization which will assist with the general activities of the high school band programs

  • To foster closer ties among the parents of younger Carrollton Band students, thereby strengthening the entire band program

Amendment II: Proposed to Article III: Membership. A proposal to reword the conditions of membership to extend the opportunity to band alumni and parents of band alumni and further allow for the assessment of annual dues from all member. Further clarification is added to describe the determination of and annual period for said dues.

(Current Language)


Members: The members of the Band Boosters shall consist of all parents and/or guardians of students participating in the Carrollton High School Band program. No dues are assessed for membership. The Band Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Band Boosters.

(Proposed Language)


Members: The members of the Band Boosters shall consist of parents and/or guardians of students currently participating in the Carrollton High School Band program, parents and/or guardians of former students of the Carrollton High School Band program or Carrollton High School Band alumni, who pay annual Band Booster membership dues in full. Annual membership dues, determined by the Executive Board, will be per family, and will cover the period July 1- June 30. The Band Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Band Boosters.

Amendment III: Proposed to Article IV: OFFICERS: Section 6: The Board of Directors. A proposal to reword sub-point (a) to remove the offices of Group Captains as part of the Board of Directors and add Band Director. Further, removal of sub-point (b), which details the nomination and service of Group Captains. The Group Captains office(s) are one that are no longer valid and no longer exist under current Band Booster structures.

(Current Language)

Section 6: The Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors shall:

a. consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Publicist, Treasurer, and the Group Captains

b. The Group Captains shall serve a two-year term and shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the spring general meeting in the same fashion as the officers.

c. constitute a quorum with a simple majority of the total number of the group for a vote

d. have only one vote per position. If a person holds more than one position on the Board, that person shall have only one vote

e. review recommendations for changes, i.e.-fundraising, budget recommendation from the Budget Committee, nominations for officers, before the vote by the general membership.

(Proposed Language)

Section 6: The Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors shall:

a. consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Publicist, Treasurer, and the Band Director

b. constitute a quorum with a simple majority of the total number of the group for a vote

c. have only one vote per position. If a person holds more than one position on the Board, that person shall have only one vote

d. review recommendations for changes, i.e.-fundraising, budget recommendation from the Budget Committee, nominations for officers, before the vote by the general membership.

Amendment IV: Proposed to Article VIII: Finances: Section 8: Operating Budget. A proposal to reword to include the category of dues as part of the Band Booster’s Operating Budget.

(Current Language)

Section 8. Operating Budget: The Band Boosters annual operating budget shall be based on and supported by fund-raising revenues from the previous year. A minimum of 3% of these revenues must be set aside for contingency purposes. These funds may be kept in the Band Boosters main holding account for easy access if needed for emergencies.

(Proposed Language)

Section 8. Operating Budget: The Band Boosters annual operating budget shall be based on and supported by membership dues and fund-raising revenues from the previous year. A minimum of 3% of these revenues must be set aside for contingency purposes. These funds may be kept in the Band Boosters main holding account for easy access if needed for emergencies.

Amendment V: Proposed to Article X:  Amendments: Section 1. Amendment Process:  A proposal to amend the language to clarify voting rights for members as outlined in pending amendments to previous Articles. Further to clarify sub-point (b) that due notice includes electronic forms of communication.

(Current Language)

Section 1. Amendment Process: The Carrollton High School Band Booster Club, Inc. Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of those present at any regular meeting of the organization provided:

a. that a proposed amendment has been read at the previous regular meeting or

b. that a notice in writing setting forth such proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which such is finally passed upon

(Proposed Language)

Section 1. Amendment Process: The Carrollton High School Band Booster Club, Inc. Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of those members present at any regular meeting of the organization provided:

a. that a proposed amendment has been read at the previous regular meeting or

b. that a notice setting forth such proposed amendment(s) shall have been provided at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which such is finally passed upon. Acceptable forms of notice include, but are not limited to, written or electronic forms of communications.

Categories: CHS Band